How often do you get overwhelmed with all that you have to do? School, family, work, housekeeping, outside commitments, and on and on.... Well, did you notice that you left your name off of the list. That's why I've titled this post, I 'AM NOT' Every Woman. You know, the song goes, ♫"I'm every woman, it's all in me"♫? Well, it may be but you need to save some for yourself. We need to be full cups that overflow into other peoples lives. It's kind of like when the airline stewardess tells you to put the mask on yourself and then help the person next to you.
This is also true in life. How can we help those around us if we aren't first connected to the source ourselves? John 15:4 says "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. We need to rest in Him. If I'm speaking to you, for the next 7 days, try scheduling some alone time for yourself. It's time to put your name at the top of your to do list. Do something fun, silly or relaxing for yourself. We have to rejuvenate ourselves and replenish our energy on a regular basis, because when we are "tapped out" how can we lift a hand to help others, let alone do all that we have on our lists? Take care of yourself first!! You'll be happy you did and those around you who love you, will notice too and be happy you did as well.
Live well...
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